Friday, 29 April 2011

“Aameen” aloud or silently? Classical commentary to Qur’an 7:55

One of the best things about the Hanafi Fiqh is its being most close to the Qur’an. And the Hanafi scholars seek evidence with the Qur’an along with Ahadith on a lot of issues.

One of the most debated issues of Fiqh is about tone in saying, “Aameen”, after the Imam ends the recitation of al-Fatiha.

Not only that the position of Hanafi scholars is well supported by authentic narrations from the Prophet, may Allah bless him, it is also supported by the Holy Qur’an.

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an;


“Supplicate to your Lord humbly and secretly.” (al-‘Araf 7: 55)

In commentary to this Ayah, Imam Fakharuddin al-Razi writes;

razi aameen

“Abu Hanifa, may Allah have mercy on him, said: Saying Aameen silently is better and al-Shafii’, may Allah have mercy on him, said; Saying it aloud is better. In support of his view Abu Hanifa said; the word “Aameen” has two angles to look at. One, it is a supplication and second that it is one of the names of Allah. And if it is a supplication then saying it silently is a must because of the saying of the Almighty, “Supplicate to your Lord humbly and secretly.” And if it a name from amongst the names of Almighty Allah, then silence in saying it is mandatory for Almighty’s saying, “Remember your Lord in your heart with humility and awe, and without speaking loudly” [7: 205] And if it does not prove its being mandatory, it atleast proves its being desirable. And we are of the same opinion!”

Imam Razi was a sixth century post Hijrah scholar and died in year 606 of the Hijrah based calendar.

This also answers the people who allege that seeking evidence with this verse in this issue is a recent innovation and is not proved from classical scholars.

Hafiz Abu Tahir Zubair Alizai argues like that in his work, “al-qawl al-mateen fil jahr bil-tameen” Nauman publications p. 60. Infact he even categorically mentions Tafsir al-Kabir saying that it is among the earlier commentaries not having a word about the issue of tone in “Aameen” in commentary to Qur’an 7: 55.

Below is the image of what Hafiz Zubair Alizai wrote.

ali zy ameen

Wallahu ‘Alam!

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